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Where Nacqueville is (facing the Isle of Wight) in relation to London and Paris

On this page:

Navigation bullet point Cotentin, Manche...
Navigation bullet point Travel organisations
Navigation bullet point Local tourist offices
Navigation bullet point Regional tourist sites
Body text bullet point National tourist sites
Navigation bullet point Finding out more
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The top of the main cascade

The main cascade

To help you to either travel to Cherbourg or stay in the area, links to relevant organisations are given below.

Cotentin, Manche, Normandy ...

Confusingly, several names apply to the area where the Chateau and Park of Nacqueville are. These are:

Body text bullet pointCotentin - the area within the peninsula where Cherbourg is.

Body text bullet pointManche - the "département" or administrative area for the Cotentin, and adjoining areas.

Body text bullet pointBasse-Normandie - the larger geographic area where the Cotentin is located.

Body text bullet pointNormandy - the "région" in which the Cotentin lies. A région is the French equivalent to a county in England.

Travel organisations


Body text bullet pointPoole (Dorset) - Cherbourg: Brittany Ferries - see details on the Getting there page.

Body text bullet pointPortsmouth (Hampshire) - Cherbourg: - Brittany Ferries - see details on the Getting there page.

Body text bullet pointRosslare (at the tip of southeast Ireland) or Dublin - Cherbourg: Irish Ferries and Stena Line (from Rosslare).

Body text bullet pointChannel Islands - St. Malo (mainly)/Barneville-Carteret/Diélette/Granville: Condor Ferries and Manche Iles Express.
- St. Malo is on the North coast of Brittany (not far from Mont St. Michel).
- Barneville-Carteret and Diélette are shown on the map on Places nearby.
- Granville lies further south below Barneville-Carteret.

Travelling by road

Body text bullet pointFinding your wayan online road atlas is available from Michelin.

Links are to sites in English, where available.

Links updated
March 2025

Body text bullet pointCar hiremajor car hire companies have branches in Cherbourg, as well as smaller ones. By telephoning in advance, the hire companies should be able to get a car of your choice to their branch year-round.

Europcar, located on the Rue des Tanneries and across the road from the train station, has been successfully used in this way. Avis and Hertz, as well as a few others, can also be contacted by telephone via the Cherbourg tourist office.

Body text bullet pointBus travelZéphir Bus, telephone no. 0810 810 050 serves Cherbourg and its suburbs. For details about getting to Nacqueville, see the Getting there page.

Body text bullet pointTaxis

There are a number of local taxi companies. More information and their telephone numbers are available from the Cherbourg tourist office (below).

Travelling by rail

To get timetable information and prices, try SNCF (French National Railways).

If travelling from Paris, the Paris transport authority (RATP) is a good one stop shop for planning travel around the city, for instance to reach St. Lazare station for a train to Cherbourg (St. Lazare is towards the top left on Metro lines 3, 12, 13 and 14).

Travelling by air

Cherbourg has an airport "Aeroport Cherbourg-Maupertus" which may have a link to Paris Orly sud, though none of the big airlines provide flights. More information is available from the Cherbourg tourist office (below).

Local tourist offices

Cherbourg tourist office (which also covers the upper Cotentin) (in French) is located on the western side of the Avant-Port, close to the bridge "Pont Tournant", at 2, Quai Alexandre III, telephone no. 02 33 93 52 02. This is the central shopping area ("le centre-ville") of Cherbourg.

A branch of the Cherbourg tourist office is in the main building in the Gare Maritime (the ferry terminal), through which all foot passengers pass (cars will find it on the left just before they leave the terminal), telephone no. 02 33 44 39 92.

Urville-nacqueville has its own tourist information sub-website.

La Hague tourist office (in French) covers the area from Urville-Nacqueville westwards to the sea and has a nice satellite view of the area with places of interest to view.

Regional tourist offices

Manche tourist office - one source for hotels, restaurants, camping sites, etc.

Normandy tourist office can also be used to find accommodation, restaurants, etc.

National tourist board

Maison de la France is the national tourist board for France.

Finding out more

Search engine: for a very fast and effective (with judicious use) search engine, try Google.

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